More Titles
- Dimitriu, I. The Great Lent, Holy Week, and Pascha. Activity Book for Children, 2017. Available on Amazon.com
- The Twelve Feasts of the Orthodox Church. Activity Book for Children. Second English Edition, 2017. Available on Amazon.com.
- The Creed Explained. Brief Introduction to the Teaching of the Orthodox Church with Activities for Teenage Readers, 2016. Available on Amazon.com
- The Twelve Feasts of the Orthodox Church. Activity Book for Children. First Edition available in Spanish, English, French, and Romanian, 2015. Contact us at SpanishForTravellers[at]icloud.com to order.
Children's Books Written by Children
- Journey to the Palace. A Story for Young Children. 2016
When Janina Winnicki, at age 11, won the Literacy Award at St. Augustine Catholic Elementary School in Ottawa for her first published story, we decided to begin publishing fiction written by children and teens. The aim is to encourage young readers to expand their horizon by reading, and to tune their linguistic and creative abilities by writing.
Copyright ©Lengua Viva 2024
Lengua Viva is a multilingual publisher of children's books located in Ottawa, Canada. Our books are inspired in the writings of early Church Fathers and contain writing activities, word games and illustrations that make them suitable for individual use as well as in group settings at Sunday School or Vacation Bible Studies.
For more information, please contact us at LenguaVivaBooks
Our Newest Title
available in English and in Romanian editions
Dimitriu, I. (2024). The Life of the Mother of God, Retold as a Dialogue Between a Mother and Her Children. Activity Book for Sunday Schools, Bible Camps, Individual and Group Study for Children 6-12 Years Old. (A.M. Lemnaru, Illus.). Lengua Viva.
Dimitriu, I. (2024). Viața Maicii Domnului repovestită sub formă de dialog între o mamă și copii. Carte cu activități și jocuri pentru școlile duminicale, taberele de religie, studiul individual și în grup, pentru copii cu vârste între 6 si 12 ani. Romanian Edition. (A.M. Lemnaru, Illus.). Lengua Viva.